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Tribes on ideaalne lauaraam nurgapealse lauaplaadi jaoks, mis sobib suurepäraselt kontorikeskkonda, kui on vaja täiendavat lauapinda, säilitades samal ajal kõik reguleeritava kõrgusega laudade eelised. Tribes on kvaliteetne toode, millel on EN-527 sertifikaat. Tribes'i standardne elektroonikasüsteem võimaldab ühe seadistuse raames juhtida kuni kolme veergu, kuid seda saab täiendada ka kuni kaheksa veeru juhtimiseks.

Keskkonnatoote deklaratsioon (EPD)

Sõltumatu kolmandast osapoolest kontrollija on hõimud vastavalt standardile ISO 14025 kinnitanud, vaadates läbi tulemused, dokumendid ja vastavus standarditele ISO 14025 ja ISO 14040/14044.

Tribes seisva laua raam

Rating is 4.0 out of five stars based on 1 review
€ 550,00Price
Tax Included
  • Tehniline teave:

    • Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
    • Anti-Collision feature
    • EN-527 certified, UL 962-recognized
    • Lifting capacity (three column version): 180 kg (60kg/column)
    • Manufactured in Europe and US
    • Expandable up to 8 legs
    • Table top fit: Width: 800–2800 mm / Depth: 400–1000 mm
    • Height range: 647-1117mm
    • Noise level: <48dB / silent: 38dB
    • Velocity/speed: 32–40 mm/s
  • Shipping weight

    65 kg


Rated 4 out of 5 stars.
Based on 1 review
1 review

  • Chesney Nyffels21. juuni
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars.
    Good product, cheap price but lacking cable mangement options.

    The product itself is heavy and firm. I ordered the black version and the paint / powdercoat job is as expected - good. The tilt mechanism (memory version) works without problems and the L schape can hold my table top and equipment without problems.

    Be aware that there is no real cable management options for this table. You will have to bring your own solution wich is the only disadvantage of this frame and the reason for 4 stars instead of 5.

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