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Minimalistlik sülearvuti/tahvelarvuti alus – see on järjekordne loodusest inspireeritud ettepanek, mis võimaldab korrastada oma unistuste tööruumi – tutvustades ainulaadset esteetikat ja andes uut funktsionaalsust ka väikesele ruumile.

Too loodus oma ruumi, rõhuta oma kodu ja kontori stiilset iseloomu. Sülearvuti/tahvelarvuti vertikaalselt hoidmine säästab teie lauaruumi! Bewoodi sülearvuti alus on mõeldud hoidma iga mudeli mudelit, reguleeritav pesa 15 mm kuni 30 mm. Valmistatud tamme täispuidust.

See on klassi ja individuaalsuse kvintessents, mis saavutatakse hoolikalt valitud puidu, kunsti ja täpsuse harmoonilise kombinatsiooniga

Sülearvuti alus tamm

58,00 €Price
Tax Included
  • Tehniline teave:

    • Length: 20cm, Width: 13cm to 16cm, Height: 4cm;

    • Top quality oak or walnut wood;
    • Milled edges;
    • The stand provides a stable hold for the device in an upright position;
    • Compatibility - the stand fits all models of laptops / tablets / e-book readers;
    • Wood treated with natural oil;
    • Slot lined with soft felt protects the device from scratches;
    • Ideal for use alone or in any combination with other discreet organizers;
    • Saves space on your desk;
    • Unique design: Bewood wooden stand adds elegance and natural charm to your desk;
    • Durability and high quality workmanship: The Bewood stand is made of the highest quality wood, which guarantees its durability and long-lasting use. Careful workmanship ensures a sturdy construction and aesthetically pleasing appearance;
    • Easy to assemble: The stand is easy to assemble and assemble, which means you can quickly enjoy its benefits without any complications;
    • With these advantages, the Bewood monitor stand from the Desk collection becomes not only a practical tool for work, but also a beautiful design element for your desk;
    • Handcrafted woodworking and finishing;
    • Precision craftsmanship;

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